Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Obeah Ritual

Outline of a Obeah Ritual:

1.Opening Prayer: A Bell is rung, Recite The Apostles Creed, The Lords Prayer, and Three Hail Mary's. (Note: some choose to offer a prayer for there country but this is purely optional)

2. Cleansing Space: This can be done in many different ways, Choose one that works for you. Blowing Cigar Smoke or Carrying Incense around Space seems to work well along Praying Psalms 23..

3. Honoring the Eggun: The Ancestors and Spirit Guides are Honored by Saluting the Four Directions, Traditionally this is Done with a Shaking a Spirit-rattle and by Spraying Rum from your Mouth to Each Directions.

4.Opening the Gate: In the Center of the Space light a Red Candle, and pour an offering of Rum Asking Peta Legba to Open the Gate:

Elegba I Salute thee, Elegba I Salute Thee, Elegba I Salute Thee. Open Up, Open Up, Opon Up. Peta Legba, Peta Legba, Peta Legba, On the Road, Let the Gates Be open, let the Spirits be Honored, Glory Be to God the Father, Mother, and Son, Amen.


 O THOU great, powerful, and mighty Papa Bones, who bearest rule by the power of the SUPREME Creator Olodumare over all spirits both superior and inferior of the Infernal Orders in the Dominion of the Bones; I do Call Upon thee to Join me, that Through the Anima Solo I may have communion with you and the Bones of Eggun.; and by all the most powerful and great names of GOD who created Heaven, and Earth, and Hell, and all things in them contained; and by their power and virtue; and by the name Olifi, I call Upon the Spirit N. to come unto me In this Sacred Space of Obi in a fair and comely shape, without harm unto me or unto any other creature; so that I may accomplish my will and desire in knowing or obtaining any matter or thing which by office thou knowest is proper for him to perform or accomplish, through the power The Creator, Who created and doth dispose of all things both celestial, terrestrial, and infernal. In the Name of God the Father, Mother, and Son. Amen.

6. Drawing and Charging the Spirits Sigil(Veve): In Obeah the Veve is Traditionally drawn in chalk upon the floor before the main altar, the Sigil is charged many different ways, choose one that works for you.


 I DO call upon, and conjure thee, O thou Spirit N., to appear and to show thyself visibly unto me In this Sacred Place of Obi in fair and comely shape, without any deformity; by the name of Olodumare and in the name of Papa Bones, which Adam heard and spake; and by the name the Great Brass Serpent, which Moses lifted up in the Wilderness to Heal his People; and by the name Olfi, who lived among us as our Lord Jesus Christ.


 WELCOME Spirit N., O most Beloved Bones! I say thou art welcome unto me, because I have called thee through the Anima Solo and Papa Bones, and you have come to my aid, By that same power by the which I have called thee forth, to Help me (Intent),.

9. MAIN WORK: The Spirits often Manifest at this time, or Ritual work may take, varies from rite to rite.

10.Communion: this is not really Traditional but its a good ideal.


 O THOU Spirit N., thou hast-diligently answered unto my Plea, and willingly Came to come to my Aid, I ask you to Accept my Sacrifice, I do here license thee to depart unto thy proper place in all Honor and Respect. May the peace of GOD be ever continued between thee and me AMEN!

13.Closing the Gate: The Red Candle is put out, another offering of rum is given: 

Elegba I Have Saluted thee, Elegba I Have Saluted Thee, Elegba I Have Saluted Thee. Close Up, Close Up, Close Up. Peta Legba, Peta Legba, Peta Legba, Rest by the Road, Let the Gates Be Closed, For the Spirits have been Honored, Glory Be to God the Father, Mother, and Son, Amen. 

14.Benediction: A Bell is Rung, then followed by any Closing prayer that seem to fit the rite.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to be the first to comment on your blog :-P
