Hello Friends, My Name is Eli Ravenstrone, and this is my new blog, I plan on using this Blog to Post about my Personal Path, I will use it very much like a Online Book of Shadows, to Help record my Journey as a Eclectic Witch and Disciple of Jesus Christ. So lets start with my Basic Beliefs to give you a good ideal where I am Coming from:
1. I
honor Deity as a Goddess-Inclusive Trinity: Father God (Osiris, Jehovah, Cernunnos), Mother Goddess
(The Holy Spirit, Isis, Aradia), and Solar Lord Jesus (Horus, Dionysus). Along with all other Wiccans I
recognize the Divine Source of Creation as Both Masculine and Feminine.
2: I View Nature, Sexuality and all Life as Sacred.. Wiccans Respect Mother Earth and Father Sky.
accept the Wiccan Rede as My basic Code of Ethics: An it harm none, do
what ye will.. I feel this works well alongside Christ teaching: Do unto
other as you would have them do unto you.
4. The Rule of Return: What ones Send out returns to them, or in the Words of Jesus: we reap what we sow.
5. Magick is Real and part of out everyday lives.. I agree with the old Wiccan teaching: Magick is Prayer and Prayer is Magick..
As a Wiccan I Celebrate the Divine through rituals linked with the
lunar, solar, and seasonal cycles called Sabbats and Esbats, As a
Christian I Honor Sunday as the Lord's Day.
7. I Honor the Holy
Texts of all Religions as sacred, yet for us the living word of God is
written in our hearts, not the pages of a book. To often the Sacred
texts of the World Religion's have been used to hurt the beloved sons
and daughter of our Loving Creator..
9. I Believe in Eternal
Progression of the Soul through Reincarnation, and the Once the Soul is
Perfected in Christ it will Unite with the Divine, and Live in the
Celestial Kingdom for Ever and Ever.
10. I Believe in the Death and
Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the He Will come again to Rule over
the Earth, Bringing Peace, Healing and Eternal life for All.
11. I
Believe in In the Baptism of Water as a Spiritual Rebirth and Dedication
to the Christ, and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost as the Indwelling of
the Spiritual Gift of the Holy Ghost.
12.The core Teaching of Christ is to love each other and to love our creator.. Love is the Law, Love is the bond, Amen and So Mote it Be
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