Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Christo-Wiccan Baptism Ceremony

This is a Simple Christo-Wiccan Baptism Ceremony for use in small groups. 

Cast the Circle, ect, then the Priest/ess will hold a Cup of Salt-Water in there Left hand, Dip the fingers of there right hand into Salt-Water Anointing the Postulate's forehead saying:

Mighty Lord and Holy Lady, Grant through this New Birth that everything (Name) thinks is for your Glory.

Anoint lips:

Grant that everything that come from his/his mouth be glorifying to thee, help him/her to speak Truth and to Bring Glory to you.

Anoint Hands:

Be Pleased with all his/her actions, allow her/him to be used, and be Glorified in everything she/he does.

Pour a small amount of Salt-Water over there head:

(Full Name), I Baptize You in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen and So Mote It Be.

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