This ritual is based of the Outer-court Gardnerian Book of Shadows. (
1. Call to Worship:
us Oh Wiccan Children of Christ, to Honor the Blessed Trinity, Come
in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust, Remember Well that: They that
Dwelleth in the Secret Place of he Most High shall abide under the
shadow of the Almighty. (Pslams 91:1)
2. Consecration of Altar: Light candles and Incense saying:
"In the name of Dryghtyn, the Ancient Providence,
Who was from the beginning and is for eternity,
Male and Female, the Original Source of all things;
all-knowing, all-pervading, all-powerful;
changeless, eternal. In the name of the Lady of the
Moon Mary Magdalen ,
and the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, Horned Lord of
the Greenwood. In the name of the Mighty Ones of the Four Quarters,
the Guardians of the Elements. Blessed be this place and Time, So Mote it Be and
Takes up athame, saying:
"I conjure thee, O Athame of Steel, to serve me as a
defence in all Magical Operations. Guard me at all times against mine
enemies, both visible and invisible. Grant that I may obtain what I
desire in all things wherein I may use Thee, Wherefore do I bless Thee
and invoke Thee in the names of Adonis-Jesus and Astarte-Mary Magdalen, So Mote it Be.
Touch water with Athame, saying:
I exorcise thee, O creature of
Water, that thou cast out from Thee all the impurities and uncleanness of the World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, in
the names of Adonis-Jesus and Astarte-Mary Magdalen.
"The Blessings of Adonis-Jesus and Astarte-Mary Magdalen, be upon this creature of Salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth henceforth, and let all good enter herein, for without Thee man cannot live, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me."
Add three
Pinches of Salt to Bowl of Water saying:
Blessed be the Act of Creation, The sacred Union of Salt and Water.
3.Purification of Space: Sprinkle
Salt-Water around Circle moving in a Clockwise Direction:
Land and Sea Through Christ Our Lord Keep Harm from me.
Carry Smoking Incense around Space Moving in a clockwise direction:
Wind and Flame Through Christ Our Lord Manifest our Desires.
4. Casting Circle: Starting in the
East slowly walk Boundary of Circle using Wand or Athame to Project
a Spirit of Spiritual Light around your Working Space:
5.Calling the Quarters:
Hear Oh Hear Blessed Angels of the The North, Hail To Christ and Join us in Peace Oh Goodly Powers of the Element of Earth to Bring Healing to Our Bodies. Almighty God Hear Our Prayers..
Hear Oh Hear Blessed Angels of the East, Hail to Christ and Join us in Peace oh Goodly Powers of the Element of Air to infuse us with the Breath of Life, Almighty God Hear Our Prayers..
Hear Oh Hear Blessed Angels of the South, Hail to Christ and Join us in Peace Oh Goodly Powers of the Element of Fire to Enlighten our Spirits. Almighty God Hear Our Prayers.
Hear Oh Hear Blessed Angels of the West, Hail to Christ and Join us in Peace Oh Goodly Powers of the the Element of Water, that we Many be Cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb, Amlighty God Hear my Prayers.
6. Invocation: The Words of the
Invocation should Come from the Heart, each person should all upon
the Blessed Trinity in there own way.
7. Sermon: A short Sermon and Scripture Reading is Given based on the Theme of the Ritual at Hand.
Work: The Sabbat rite, Esbat,
Healing, Anointing of the Sick, Spell ect, is performed as needed.
8. The Great Rite: Lower Athame in to
Lance to Grail and Male to Female, As the Athame is to the God, so the Chalice is to the Goddess, Blessed Be the Act of Creation.
9. Communion: Raise Bread to the Sky:
Oh God the Eternal Father, I ask you
to Bless and Sanctify this Bread unto the soul of all those who
Partake of it, that they many remember the Body of thy Son Jesus
Christ, which was Broken for them. Amen
Pass Bread around Circle saying to one
another: Through the Body of Christ may you never Hunger.
Raise Chalice of Wine to Sky:
Oh God the Eternal Mother, I ask you to Bless and Sanctify this Wine unto the Souls of all those who partake of it, that they may remember the Blood of they Son Jesus Christ, which was shed for them. Amen.
Pass Chalice around circle saying to one another: Through the Blood of Christ may you never Thirst.
10. Benediction: A Closing Prayer is Given..
11.Releasing Quarters:
Hear Oh Hear Blessed Angels of the
West, and Powers of the Element of Water, This Rite is now Ended, Go
in Peace to Your Lovely Realms, Hail and Farewell.
Hear Oh Hear Blessed Angels of the
South, and Powers of the Element of Fire, This Rite is now Ended, Go
in Peace to Your Lovely Realms, Hail and Farewell.
Hear Oh Hear Blessed Angels of the
East, and Powers of the Element of Air, This Rite is now Ended, Go
in Peace to Your Lovely Realms, Hail and Farewell.
Hear Oh Hear Blessed Angels of the
North, and Powers of the Element of Earth, This Rite is now Ended,
Go in Peace to Your Lovely Realms, Hail and Farewell.
12. Opening Circle: Starting at the
North Move Counterclockwise, use Athame or Wand to Pull of Circle of
Light and send it out saying:
This Rite is Ended, All is Done, Let us go form this place with Christ's Blessed Grace, I Release our Prayers to the Blessed Trinity in Faith, This Circle is undone but never Broken, Merry Meet, Merry Part, until we Merry Meet again. Blessed Be.
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